

Music notation on the web should be as accessible and fluid as text, yet it faces challenges. To address this, Stephen Band developed a prototype called Scribe for rendering music as SVG from JSON. The aim of this prototype was to create a responsive music renderer, but complexities hindered its development.

Revisiting the project later, the use of CSS Grid in web projects sparked new ideas to address layout issues in Scribe - it's now a system you can try out for yourself.

To use it, you import the library to your HTML document, and then you can use the scribe-music element. Add music notation within the scribe-music tags, and the output is as shown:

CleanShot 2024-05-01 at 18.38.09@2x.png
The scribe-music element renders music notation data within the tags (source)

Notable Quotes:

"Shortly after making that I was busy adopting Grid into our projects at Cruncher when something about it struck me as familiar, and I wondered if it might not be an answer to some of the layout problems I had been tackling in Scribe."

"The vertical axis, defining grid rows, will be called .stave."

The Scribe prototype:

  • The Scribe prototype aimed to create a music renderer outputting SVG from JSON data.

  • Challenges in developing a multi-pass layout engine posed obstacles to the initial goal.

  • Inspiration from incorporating CSS Grid in other projects led to reconsidering solutions for layout problems in Scribe.

Try it

To try the current development version, import these files into a web page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>