Fooducate Redesign
Published on Dribbble / Popular | Mehedi Hasan Rownock
Hello Dribbble Folks!
Who doesn’t love to eat? Most of us just love to eat foods.
But Calories are something which is good for health in a limit.
And Fooducate is the app that looks beyond the calorie to help you lose weight and keep it off.
Here is the latest project I was working on. Fooducate Landing Page Redesign. I tried to maintain Valeria Rimkevich design style.
I kept the design pretty much same as the website…tried to make it visually better. Also tried to make the blog as a Video based one. As users often get bored with Text. So I thought Video blog would be a better idea.
Let me know your thoughts! Write something awesome as you guys are awesome!
Preview Credit to @Valeria Rimkevic
Follow me on Dribbble for my upcoming shots! As I’m working on something really cool.