Fooducate Redesign

Published on Dribbble / Popular | Mehedi Hasan Rownock Fooducate Redesign

Hello Dribbble Folks!

Who doesn’t love to eat? Most of us just love to eat foods.

But Calories are something which is good for health in a limit.

And Fooducate is the app that looks beyond the calorie to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Here is the latest project I was working on. Fooducate Landing Page Redesign. I tried to maintain Valeria Rimkevich design style.

I kept the design pretty much same as the website…tried to make it visually better. Also tried to make the blog as a Video based one. As users often get bored with Text. So I thought Video blog would be a better idea.

Let me know your thoughts! Write something awesome as you guys are awesome!

Preview Credit to @Valeria Rimkevic

Follow me on Dribbble for my upcoming shots! As I’m working on something really cool.
