Irrelevant Search: How Results are Ruined by Paywalls
Should a poorly researched blog post published on a gated platform be supported by search engines equally to high quality professional reporting?
Yep, Ahrefs's new Search Engine That Funds Creators
Yep is a search engine from Ahrefs being built to to treat talent in the search industry more fairly. What if search engines paid the people who appeared in their search results?
Google Apps are dying. Here are the 20 ‘craftsman’ solutions taking the Goliath head-on
The Google Workspace (and Microsoft Suite) have always been horizontal tools for knowledge workers. Now, we’re seeing purpose-built tools for those who want to stand out A. Don’t have much time? Here’s the TL;DR Google search is dying The recent discussion around the decline of Google Search got us thinking. So, we turned our focus […]
The Rise of Designer Communities: Has the Algorithm Lost Its Rhythm?
I previously spoke about finding your ‘design tribe’ through online groups such as Designer Slack Communities. Maker communities are a great way for like-minded designers to connect globally and share their work — and they’re on the rise.