Issue #90: 💸Framer raise $24 million, and a new place for digital sticky notes 🗒
Prototypr Weekly Issue #90
This week, Framer raised $24 million to continue building their design platform, making the space even more competitive. Framer has a different angle to many design tools, allowing you to import real production components into the design process, so it’s definitely worth taking note of.
This week, Framer raised $24 million to continue building their design platform, making the space even more competitive. Framer has a different angle to many design tools, allowing you to import real production components into the design process, so it’s definitely worth taking note of.
Issue #90 Wednesday November 14
This week, Framer raised $24 million to continue building their design platform, making the space even more competitive. Framer has a different angle to many design tools, allowing you to import real production components into the design process, so it’s definitely worth taking note of.
Also this week, we have 8 more tools to explore (see below), including the new collaborative space to play with sticky notes: Whimsical.
Community Updates
Last week, we launched the brand new Prototypr Makerspace – a place to meet people and get feedback on products, articles and ideas. Highlights from the last week: