Hugicons is a collection of 27,000+ high-quality icons designed consistantly across 7 different styles, spanning 57 categories. There's actually 3,800+ free icons to get you started. You can export the icons to work on a range of platforms, such as Figma, React, SVG, and more - perfect for both designers and developers.
Hugeicons are great for those who are looking for an icon set that covers a large breadth of categories. They have a unique and playful style that add character to the sites / products you use them in. Davey Heuser Founder @IconJar
What's included?
7 different styles: These include stroke, two tone, duotone, solid, bulk, solid (sharp), stroke(sharp). These aren't just random different icon packs, all different styles are consistent and based on the same icon concepts.
57 categories: whatever you're designing or building, Hugeicons will have you covered - if you can't find it, you can even request an icon! There's icons for AI, animation, editors, business, gaming, files, weather and lots more.
Figma plugin: Install the plugin so you get the whole library right inside Figma, where you can easily search and swap icons of any size, color, and stroke.
Developer tools: There's an packages for NPM, React, Elementor. Using the Hugeicons website, you can also just export individual icons in a singlue click, jusing to copy or download the SVG, JSX or React code:
Who's behind Hugeicons?
Masum Parvej aimed to eliminate the frustration of working with inconsistent icons. The result? A meticulously crafted icon library that adds elegance and cohesiveness to your projects.
Where to get it?
Head over to, or check out their use cases to see the icons in action. The full package is available for $59, or $50 if you're in time for the discount. Essentially, you not only get the huge library of icons, but also a personal icon designer for ~$50. As mentioned on the site, you can request custom icons for free:
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