How ReactJS is Different from Angular

The choice for front end development libraries and frameworks has become extremely competitive. Among all of the JavaScript frameworks and libraries Angular and ReactJS is most popular among the developer community, both frameworks are a smart choice for development. ReactJS and AngularJS both are robust development technology. Angular is designed and managed by google whereas React is developed and managed by Facebook. They are built on JavaScript that club advancement and customization to the developed advanced web applications.

In this article, we will discuss the difference between Angular and ReactJS to assist you in making an informed decision.

History of Angular and React


Angular is a JavaScript open-source front end web application framework that allows you to develop a single page and cross-platform application. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries. Angular application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. The First Version was called “AngularJS”, which was released in the year 2010. The year 2016 saw the release of “Angular”, which was the second version, and a complete rewrite of AngularJS. Angular is used in Google’s one of the most important projects, Google AdWords. It is written in pure JavaScript was intended to decouple application logic from DOM manipulation.


React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. The React Library divides the webpage into single components and simplifies the development of the interface. React was developed in the year 2012 when managing Facebook ads became difficult with simple HTML coding. It was open-sourced in the year 2013, and since then, it has been used by millions of developers.

AngularJS vs ReactJS: framework against library

Web and mobile app development are the most demandable technology nowadays. The smooth functioning of ReactJS rising in the popularity and adoption of ReactJS. However Angular is still one of the top frameworks for JavaScript. ReactJS still working on the testing phase for medium to highly complex app development. Prompt rendering and the presence of JSX is making ReactJS, the resultant workflow stack as a highly impactful JavaScript framework.

Choosing the right front-end framework depends upon the end-user requirements, below points will help you to make the right decision.

The main difference between AngularJS and ReactJS lies in the state of its management. AngularJS has a default data binding bundles, whereas React is generally augmented by redux to give unidirectional data flow and work with immutable data.

1) Implementation

AngularJS provides a large number of native options and features. It allows you to benefit from a number of options directly, which makes it possible to start a new project faster. When we comparing ReactJS to AngularJS we need to know that ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library. Hence, you need to add external component libraries to have the same number of features. You will need to add elements for “routing” to force unidirectional flows, to call APIs, set up tests, manage dependencies, and more.

2) Data binding

AngularJS supports two-way data binding which connects the DOM value to the data model. It means, if for user interaction with the field a new value is provided to the app it will result in the update of both the view and the model. However, the two-way data binding approach has a negative impact on performance.

ReactJS supports one-way binding. It provides singular behaviour for your application. It’s overcome the risk of error and helps to control complexity. So, it’s much easier to debug the self-contained components of large React applications similar to larger AngularJS applications.

3) Architecture

AngularJS is based on the MVVM (Model-View-View-Model). It comes with Lots of tools and other features required for navigation, routing, and various other functionalities. Whereas ReactJS based on MVC(Model-View-control) model. This like Angular includes features such as navigation but this can be achieved only with certain libraries like Redux and Flux. Needs more configuration and integration.

4) Performance

AngularJS offers the advantage to reduce the loading speed of the web pages considerably. ReactJS creates its own virtual DOM where components are attached. It brings the comfort of navigation within a web site since all the data get displayed without refreshing the page.

In short, AngularJS offers low performance with complex and dynamic applications whereas ReactJS offer high performance using virtual DOM enables.

5) Dependency injection

Angular Hierarchical Dependency Injection system used. Whereas React.js Does not use the Dependency Injection concept.

6) Scalability

AngularJS is easy to scale because of its intuitive design and powerful CLI, react is testable and therefore scalable compared to other frameworks.

When to choose AngularJS:

  • When you are inception phase of development and want to kick start your project.
  • Seeking a robust and well-maintained framework for the project-range of any size.

When to choose ReactJS:

  • When you want to agree with the slower initial phase of development.
  • You have a plan to expand application functionality in the future.


In summary, AngularJS and ReactJS both are great support from their community respectively and offer great documentation on how application development is addressed. Consider all the features it’s hard to choose which one is better. In a nutshell, if you are looking for flexibility and simplicity go with ReactJS, if you want to organize your application effectively choose AngularJS.

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Brijesh D

Web Designer