Practical Tips for Pricing Design
Pricing is a challenging thing, especially for the designers who start their professional journey. However, pricing is essential not only for your work. It often determines the quality of your life. In the article, I will show your factors that affect pricing. We will review various pricing methods and make some practical tips. I will give you also my personal recommendations and show you other designers that know how to price their work!
5 Tech Buzzwords Every Product Designer Should Know About
Did you ever find yourself in a meeting with engineers, wishing you knew what they’re on about? In this article, we’ll go through some of the most used phrases by engineers. So, next time around you’re hearing these in a meeting — at the very least, you’ll know what not to say.
How Learning UX Helped Me Deal with My Depression
Right now, I’m writing this as an unemployed 28-year-old from my parents’ house. The job market is dismal, I’m completely burned out from an intense year of grad school, and the election has wreaked havoc among my immediate family. And yet, I’m overall okay. I’m in a definite low point of my depression wave cycle, but I know the low will end someday. It’s been a long journey to equilibrium, and UX turned out to be a valuable resource along the way.
A Letter to a Struggling UI/UX Designer
I love everything about our craft. Chasing the tiniest little details, striving for simplicity, and always looking for the best solutions. But it’s not all roses, inexperienced UX/UI designers struggle to get that first job offer. Know that each rejection is a lesson learned. Things will work out if you keep moving forward. Become so good they can’t ignore you.
My First Freelance Project as a Design Student. Things I Learned That Could Help You Too.
This summer, I decided to enter the world of freelancing as a Junior at Parsons School of Design, New York. I got my first freelance project to design an app and it’s safe to say that there are a few things I wish I knew before I started. If the thought of freelancing as a student scares you too, grab your comfort snack, and read on.
Designers Live in a Hellscape Created by Other Designers
“You ruined my life! All I see everywhere is bad design!” – A non designer friend. The outburst surprised me. I guess years of listening to me point out bad design finally took its toll. Instead of just traveling blithely through life, my friend now found himself scrutinizing everything around him, often finding things lacking, ill-conceived, and frustrating. “Congratulations,” I told him. “You’re now officially a designer.”