Behavioural Design 101: Psychology mechanisms in persuasive design
Today’s companies employ techniques from psychology and neuroscience to increase engagement of their apps. Sometimes it can benefit users, and at other times, like with Instagram latest immersive feed, it preys on our paths of least resistance to suck us into their app longer.
How to Pass the Personality Test
Show companies who you are, by being honest, true to yourself, and stand by your principles. Demonstrate your professionalism by refusing to be unfairly scrutinized, discriminated against, typified, coerced, whether through unfairly long hiring processes, ridiculous design tests, or fictitious personality tests. Prepare for companies that are unprepared for how best to hire you.
Shit’s Broken: Why We Need Mindful Notifications & How to Design Them
Barring those who have made a conscious and concerted effort to turn them off, push notifications disrupt our flow on a daily basis. You pick up your phone to check the time or your to-do list, and the first thing you see is that you’ve received 9 messages from 4 different people, who are waiting for your response. Let’s start with an assessment.

Design Psychology and the Neuroscience Behind Awesome UX
The user experience study of human cognition can be mushy, unscientific, and filled with false assumptions—perhaps it’s the fault of a lazy brain. Cognition is complex, and many factors play into gut reactions or an instant impression. When you ask someone, “Why’d you do that?” there’s a high chance they won’t be able to answer or that you’ll misinterpret their response. Enter neuroscience.