Behavioural Design 101: Psychology mechanisms in persuasive design
Discovery Search: When Recommendations Ruin the Search Bar
Collaboration Tools and the Invasion of Live Cursors

Design Through a Neurodiverse Lens: Exclusive vs Inclusive
The Source is a fortnightly letter from Prototypr for its community of ~600k viewers. Written by Sophie Clifton-Tucker, The Source tackles taboo topics, exposes unseen truths, and gets the scoop on the latest in the tech and design sphere. It’s estimated that between 15-20% of us are neurodiverse, so a product that isn’t optimised for […]

Neurodiversity and Inclusion: Choosing Kinder Design
‘Neurodiversity’ refers to the myriad beautiful ways in which people experience, and interact with, the world. It is the idea that although all brain differences are ‘normal’ (whatever normal may be), no two brains are the same – and thank goodness for that! From night mode to alt tags, Medium’s text-to-speech function and Twitter’s font […]

How to Pass the Personality Test

Shit’s Broken: Why We Need Mindful Notifications & How to Design Them
Barring those who have made a conscious and concerted effort to turn them off, push notifications disrupt our flow on a daily basis. You pick up your phone to check the time or your to-do list, and the first thing you see is that you’ve received 9 messages from 4 different people, who are waiting for your response. Let’s start with an assessment.