<p>CSS-Tricks | Chris Coyier As a self-professed CSS nerd, I take it upon myself to inject my own CSS onto websites when I need to to fix bugs or just fiddle them up to my liking. This is a post that details how I do that using the Stylish and Stylebot browser extensions. Direct Link [&hellip;]</p>


CSS-Tricks | Chris Coyier

As a self-professed CSS nerd, I take it upon myself to inject my own CSS onto websites when I need to to fix bugs or just fiddle them up to my liking.

This is a post that details how I do that using the Stylish and Stylebot browser extensions.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

Bend any Website’s CSS to Your Will With Stylish or Stylebot is a post from CSS-Tricks


Jan 26, 10:22 AM



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