<p>medium bookmark / Raindrop.io | &lt;img class=&#8221;progressiveMedia-noscript js-progressiveMedia-inner&#8221; src=&#8221;https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/0*4kmG-koqk6mUqejr.&#8221;&gt; Generative user interviews are a foray into the unknown. As opposed to evaluative interviews, where you are assessing a reaction to an existing product, generative interviews are meant to help you figure out what to build in the first place. But every style of research has [&hellip;]</p>


medium bookmark / Raindrop.io |

0*4kmG-koqk6mUqejr.<img class=”progressiveMedia-noscript js-progressiveMedia-inner” src=”https://cdn-images-1.medium...