Build Design Systems With Penpot Components
Penpot's new component system for building scalable design systems, emphasizing designer-developer collaboration.

Design + Sketch App — Medium | Anima App
4 months ago we’ve launched a new product that changes the way designers design. Auto-Layout for Sketch enables designers to create responsive designs in a seamless way.
2 months ago we’ve introduced a new feature called Stacks. Stacks are Flexbox within Sketch. This powerful feature made designing responsive designs even easier and better.
These milestones have paved the way for our new product.
Our new product allows designers to publish websites with a single click, directly from Sketch.
Up until now Sketch designs were merely pixels. Today they become alive. Sketch designs of websites become real websites. Designs that were made responsive with Auto-Layout will now be responsive in the same way on a browser in a real website.
Launchpad is a Platform as a Service for designers. The entire interface is integrated seamlessly into Sketch so you can feel at home.
It’s perfect for Landing Pages and Marketing Websites.
Let’s dive into each of these features!
Breakpoints are a way to make your design look great on Mobile, Tablets or Desktops.
To create Breakpoints
Design by Zhenya & Artem
There are 3 types of links:
Create Link to a different Artboards
Create an Anchor Link
Create an External Link
Forms allow visitors of the website to submit information such as their contact information.
A Form is composed of:
When setting a Layer as a Submit button, form options will reveal:
Based on Contact Form by Sophinie Som
You can embed a Video player in your website by setting a Layer as a Video.
When selecting the Video layer, you’ll be able to provide a link to a video, that will be presented on the website.
Supported Video URLs are: YouTube, Vimeo, MP4 and GIF
Landing Page Demo
Video Players Demo
To track incoming traffic into your website you can sign up to any of the Analytics providers and paste in the code snippet they provide.
Steps overview:
More information on Analytics is available here
Meta Tags are a part of HTML. They enable providing information about the website that isn’t actually presented for visitors, but is used by software that can read these tags and use their information.
You can edit these tags to optimize the way your website is seen by Search Engines, Social Media websites, and more.
Better information such as an image and a clear description can increase the traffic to your website.
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Introducing Launchpad for Sketch was originally published in Design + Sketch on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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