<p>CSS-Tricks | Chris Coyier Jon Gunnison documents some things that have made pattern libraries successful at Allstate. Tidbits I found interesting: There are specific jobs (part of what he calls &#8220;governance&#8221;) for maintaining the library. I love that they are called librarians. A &#8220;designer librarian&#8221; and a &#8220;UI dev librarian&#8221;. Acknowledgment that there are &#8220;snowflakes&#8221;, [&hellip;]</p>


CSS-Tricks | Chris Coyier

Jon Gunnison documents some things that have made pattern libraries successful at Allstate. Tidbits I found interesting:

  • There are specific jobs (part of what he calls β€œgovernance”) for maintaining the library. I love that they are called ...