Every Designer Needs to Know: Memory Imperfect and Individual Difference
Have you ever suffered from forgetting a new password that you just created? Have you ever feel a new web/mobile app is so easy to use even though you are the first-time interact with it? Everyone is more or less suffering from memory failure daily. As a designer, we need to understand how human memory works and how’s the design can support users’ forgetting curve and learning curve.
When is a Design Ready to Deliver?
The Check-Questionnaires can help you assess your design output quickly.
<a href="https://blog.prototypr.io/when-is-a-design-ready-to-deliver-
Five Levels of Creativity
This article may help you have another perspective on creativity and know your level of creativity.
<a href="https://uxdesign.cc/ready-five-levels-of-c