Speed Techniques to Help You Design Faster
The design world is getting faster and faster every year. Why? There are a couple of reasons. One is that the recent design tool revolution made our workflows much easier and faster. The last few years were also the adventof design systems, or even design libraries and components. We also have a lot of existing knowledge of what works well, so in many cases, we can use these safe patterns to come up with design solutions much faster.
A UX Analysis of Cyberpunk 2077’s HUD
Amid all controversy surrounding Cyberpunk 2077, I also have my share of issues with the game. Not only did my physical copy arrive late, because of COVID-19’s impact on postal services, but I also had all the well-documented issues playing the game on PS4. When I finally got my hands on it, I had fun and time flew by while playing. The world is so detailed and enjoyable; it’s impossible not to lose yourself in it.
A Letter to a Struggling UI/UX Designer
I love everything about our craft. Chasing the tiniest little details, striving for simplicity, and always looking for the best solutions. But it’s not all roses, inexperienced UX/UI designers struggle to get that first job offer. Know that each rejection is a lesson learned. Things will work out if you keep moving forward. Become so good they can’t ignore you.
Doom Slayer UX
Doom Eternal is a first-person shooter developed by id Software and published by Bethesda Softworks. The player becomes the Doom Slayer, tasked with a mission to stop Hell’s devastation of the Earth and the extermination of humanity. With a variety of armour, firearms, melee weapons, and other awesome weaponry, the Doom Slayer battles the forces of Hell at a hard and fast pace. The game pushes players even further by supplying health, ammo, and armour if the players aggressively battle the enemies, as a proper Doom Slayer should.
An introduction to object-oriented UX and how to do it
Object-Oriented UX (OOUX) fell into my lap a couple years ago during a brief Lunch and Learn at work. At the time, I was still getting my feet wet in UX, but I knew this OOUX stuff was on to something. I’ve since learned a great deal more and have designed an app with OOUX, and I seriously can’t imagine breaking into a new problem space without it.