This beautiful and interactive story processes a breakup through creative writing prompts with GPT-3, blending the author's real experiences with GPT-3's generated narrative outputs.


The post by Pamela Mishkin from The Pudding in 2021 is a creative personal essay that explores the author's post-breakup feelings and attempts to find closure by generating potential narrative endings with the AI language model GPT-3. It blends the author's real experiences with GPT-3's generated text, highlighting how AI can both facilitate and distort the storytelling process. The piece highlights the complexities of moving on from a relationship, the influence of societal tropes on our expectations, and the potential for AI to adopt human idiosyncrasies and biases.

You can play with AI outcomes by toggling sentences:

CleanShot 2024-06-11 at 10.30.12.gif
Change the outcome of the story

Key points

  • Explores processing a breakup through creative writing prompts with GPT-3

  • Blends the author's real experiences with GPT-3's generated narrative outputs

  • Highlights how AI can facilitate storytelling but also distort truth/nuance

  • Shows how AI writing can inadvertently adopt human idiosyncrasies and biases