Toolbox 20: Open Peeps 👋, Vangogh 👨🎨, Plugins🔌 and more!
Welcome to Toolbox #20! 🚀 This month we’ve got 10 different categories for you. Here’s our top 3 picks if you don’t have time for all of them: Open Peeps – yet another amazing illustration library by Pablo Stanley! Vangogh – not the artist, but keyword…

Toolbox 19: 🎨 Colors, 📚 Conferences and ✍️ Charcoal
Welcome to Toolbox #19! Unveiling a few surprises in the design tool space. This issue brings 21 new tools into the mix, including drawing app Charcoal, Colorsinpo, and Vectary’s 3D mockup plugin for Sketch. Besides that, user testing platform Maze has now launched support for…