WebGPU is a web graphics technology that leverages a device's GPU to enhance rendering capabilities on web pages – a significant progression from WebGL.

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WebGPU is a web graphics technology that leverages a device's GPU to enhance rendering capabilities on web pages – a significant progression from WebGL. Initially introduced in Google Chrome in April 2023, WebGPU is gradually making its way to other browsers like Safari and Firefox, showcasing potential for the future of web graphics. This article on Tympanus from teaches how to use WebGPU compute shaders for creating reaction-diffusion patterns.

Key points

  • WebGPU enhances web graphics performance by utilizing a device's GPU.

  • It expands on the foundation set by WebGL, bringing advancements in rendering capabilities.

  • The technology has been introduced in Google Chrome and is expected to spread to other browsers.


WebGPU represents a significant step forward in web graphics technology, enabling web pages to utilize a device’s GPU for enhanced rendering capabilities.

Initially introduced in Google Chrome in April 2023, WebGPU is gradually expanding to other browsers such as Safari and Firefox.

While still in development, its potential is evident.


WebGPU's introduction is a milestone in unlocking enhanced graphical performance for web pages, promising a future where web graphics can leverage a device's GPU for improved rendering capabilities.

References and Additional Resources

The process (source)